Thanks to Sarah, Gabriel and Alberto for presenting their work at Café Ariman!
Sarah, a PhD student at the Faculty of Law, presented her research on the use of artificial intellingence (AI) in medicine. While the use of AI in some aspects of treatment is likely inevitable due to its utility, most technologies work as "black boxes" with limited insights and predictability that is usually a crucial step in approving medical devices. How to resolve this paradox, is an ongoing question of law which Sarah is helping to solve.
Gabriel, a PhD student at LTH, told us about the elements required for modern, sustainable and resilient power generation, in which the distribution of electricity plays a pivotal role. By making our electric grid adaptable to changing demand and unexpected surges, we minimize the environmental impact of power line construction and get the most out of both power-hungry industries and sustainable but inconsistent energy sources of renewable energy.
Alberto, a postdoc at the Faculty of Law, discussed the implications of advancing neuroscience on the law, particularly in the area of privacy and data protection. As both behavioral and increasingly brain activity data can be collected and used by various organisations, it is important clear the gray zones in this fast-advancing field.
Join us next time on June 17th at 19h at Cafe Ariman for more fascinating research across Lund University!