Karin Tran Lundmark
WCMM Clinical Researcher | Vessel Wall Biology
Our research
Pulmonary hypertension (PH), high blood pressure in the lung, is a devastating condition where no curative treatment is available. It can be idiopathic (of unknown cause) or associated with other conditions. In children, PH associated with congenital heart disease is one of the most common types.
Ongoing projects in the group are aimed at understanding pathophysiological mechanisms in PH, with novel therapies as the ultimate goal. Our hypothesis is that the extracellular matrix, proteoglycans in particular, play important roles in the vascular remodeling seen in PH. Proteoglycans are however difficult to target pharmacologically. We will explore whether advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) can be designed to alter either the production or the enzymatic turnover of the extracellular matrix.
- To restore a functional pulmonary vascular tree with lower pulmonary vascular resistance and pressure
- Find biomarkers for disease burden, to be used for screening purposes and for evaluation of treatment effects.
- Increase understanding of disease distribution in 3D space, in human tissue as well as in animal models using synchrotron-based micro-CT
In addition to the experimental studies we are involved in clinical registry-based studies in order to increase the understanding of the clinical needs and to contribute to more efficient use of the treatments available today.
Strengths of the group
- Combining 3D-imaging of lungs and hearts with molecular biology, such as immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization etc.
- Hands-on knowledge about use of synchrotron facilities for imaging
- Most group members are clinically active, which facilitates translational projects
- Methodology for studies of the role of the extracellular matrix, proteoglycans in particular
The combination of high-resolution 3D imaging with molecular biology opens new possibilities for precision medicine. To cure a disease, it is crucial to understand it and pulmonary hypertension has so far been difficult to understand fully because of diverse etiologies and the complex 3D structure of the lung.
- Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicine
- Department of Experimental Medical Science
- The Pediatric Heart Center, Skåne University Hospital
Karin Tran-Lundmark
Principal Investigator
Phone: +46 70 766 31 71