Gustav Smith
WCMM Clinical Researcher | Molecular Epidemiology & Cardiology
Our research
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death globally. Major transitions in the spectrum of heart disease have occurred over time while the end-result, failure of the human heart to maintain sufficient output of blood for the demands of the body, referred to as heart failure, remains a common condition with high mortality rate.
Our research group seeks to understand the underlying mechanisms of heart muscle disease and dysfunction, identify effective preventive and therapeutic strategies, and facilitate the transition from population-level to individual-level cardiovascular medicine.
- Improve understanding of the pathophysiology of heart muscle disease and heart failure
- Apply our findings towards improved prevention and therapy for these diseases
Strengths of the group
The research group has expertise in a range of methods from molecular biology, bioinformatics, epidemiology, and clinical medicine.
Our research has resulted in the finding of several novel molecular insights into heart muscle disease, including several molecules that are being pursued further towards clinical applications.
- Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicine
- The Department of Cardiology at Skåne University Hospital, Lund
- Lund University Diabetes Center
- Department of Cardiology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg
- Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Gothenburg University
Gustav Smith
Principal Investigator
Phone: +46 46 17 26 33
Email: gustav [dot] smith [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
gustav [dot] smith [at] wlab [dot] gu [dot] se