During the next period (2024-2028), the partners will expand the scope of the collaboration to include the diverse areas of life science that SciLifeLab and DDLS communities represent, with the PALS program covering 10 universities (Chalmers, GU, KI, KTH, LiU, LU, NRM, SLU, SU, UmU, and UU) and the Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM).
The first PALS steering group meeting will take place at the 6th of October. At this meeting, questions about the program’s budget and activities, such as annual network meetings, calls with seed funding for collaborative projects and self-organized events, will be discussed. It was suggested at the Saltsjöbaden NMMP network meeting in April 2023 that the first PALS call will be launched this autumn, most probably in October!